Clothing donations help you and those in need.
Don’t know what to do with clothes still in good shape that you no longer need? That’s where Copper Hill United Methodist Church can help you. And in the process you can help other people too. In the back of our parking lot, we have a donation shed from St. Pauly Textile, Inc., a family-owned company based in Western New York, and a member of the Better Business Bureau. St. Pauly provides the shed for the collection of usable clothing, picks up the clothes, and then distributes them to people who can use them, in the U.S. and developing countries. Our local volunteers check the shed to be sure items are ready for pick-ups.
Your donation helps provide food for the needy too.
St Pauly compensates their non-profit partners–in this case, our church–according to the weight of clothing collected. So far, more than a ton of clothes have been contributed through Copper Hill UMC. However, our church believes that this is a mission project to help those in need. Accordingly, in the spirit of the donations given, at our August council meeting, we decided that money from St. Pauly should be used to help others in need. So in September we voted to divide this money equally among three food pantry-type organizations in Suffield, East Granby, and Granby: Suffield Emergency Aid Association, East Granby Social Services and Farmington Valley VNA of Granby.