Some of you stopped by and saw us at Suffield on the Green Saturday or Sunday afternoon. It was great to meet you and chat.
This is the second year that Copper Hill Church has put together a booth in order to have a presence at Suffield on the Green. This two-day community event had more booths than ever, according to organizer Lori Sych and it was well attended too. In two days our volunteers gave away about 400 bookmarks and cards with our website address, service times, and other contact information. Our volunteers also tried to greet people with a loving smile and often they stopped for warm personal conversation as well. We offered as gifts little bracelets and/or pencils to children and teens.
It looked like we were not going to have a booth at all, since our application had been late. But at the last minute a booth spot opened up and it was offered to us. The spot turned out to be much better located than the one we had applied for. We believe God provided. Our thanks to our volunteers: Judy Holcomb and Joanne Jones for preparing materials ahead; Judy Holcomb and Ron Prevost for setting up the booth; and to JoAnne Jones, Judy Holcomb, Pastor Kelvin Jones, Harrison Griffin, Carol Griffin and Sarah Oliver for manning it. Here is one picture from each day.