Winter encouragements for Bible reading
Here at Copper Hill church our children have been an inspiration this winter, through their Bible reading emphasis. Led by Children's moment leader, Joanne Jones, fifteen preschool and grade school children have participated by building a habit of Bible or Bible story reading. The goal was to read on at least four different days of the week. Younger children could read Bible stories or have Bible stories read to them. Children who kept up the habit for six weeks received a $10 gift certificate to Walmart. Mrs. Jones had the children keep track on sheets prepared for the purpose. Fifteen children will be eligible for the certificates though only 8 pictured were present for the initial presentation on March 11. The emphasis was a prod to the adults as well and Mrs Jones would ask the children each week how many had read at last four days and then she would ask the congregation. Not wanting to be outdone, more and more adults raised their hands. Pastor awarded the cutest moment of the series to Oliver and Stella as their Mom posted a picture on Instagram of Oliver reading to Stella from the Bible story book Mrs. Jones had recommended.