At Copper Hill Church, Holiday Bazaar is not just a fund raiser for charitable projects, it is also a social event. Perhaps the snow outside added to the charm of gathering for a hot bowl of soup and some delicious apple crisp. The baked goods are popular sale items as well, selling out completely this year in spite of the fact that some ladies went home on Friday evening and made more for Saturday. Deb Johnson’s starched lace angels are amazing too!. There were handmade quilts for sale and so many other special finds, big and small. Personally, I grabbed a few more trees for my train village. Thank you to all who prepared items, to all who helped and all who visited and especially to Susan Madry who is our organizer for this event and Judy Holcomb who is our main cook.
Carolyn took some pictures. In addition to the two featured ones, I have included a small gallery.