Anyone watching the news or following it online cannot help but be taken back by the number and magnitude of natural disasters affecting our country recently. So many homes were destroyed or damaged in hurricanes in the Carolina’s and in the Florida panhandle area. Then most recently California suffered the most devastating wildfire ever. And disaster recovery takes a while. Puerto Rico is still very slowly recovering from its disastrous hurricane of last year. In the midst of all this, Bishop Bickerton asked all the Methodist churches to take a special offering for UMCOR’s US disaster relief fund. This cause resonated with our hearts at Copper Hill Church. Pastor Kelvin preached on the inter-relationship between thanksgiving, compassion and generosity. During November we collected offerings for UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief) culminating on Compassion Sunday (Nov. 18). I am happy to report that our offerings totaled $2099. This included $1000 from the UMW (United Methodist Women) of Copper Hill, taken from the earnings of their popular fund-raisers; $785 from individual contributions and $314 from a portion of quarterly missions giving designated by the missions committee and approved by the council. We are glad to be able to help in this way.