Today our children led most of the worship service
We were very blessed this morning at Copper Hill church as our children led worship service. Pastor Kelvin Jones sat with the congregation for much of the morning because they did so well. As people arrived, they were greeted by Camryn and Madison Schantz. Morgan Gabbidon played "Awesome God" for prelude and Griffin Mandirola welcomed the congregation to worship. Malia Gabbidon led the call to worship and Connor Mandirola gave the invocation. The two Scripture lessons were read by Morgan Gabbidon and Ian Griffin. Anna Griffin filled Pastor Kelvin's role in receiving the offering while Griffin and Parker Mandirola served as ushers. Malia Gabbidon played "Firm Foundation" for offertory. Anna, who loves working with children younger than herself, did a superb job giving the children's moment. The children's choir gave a fun rendition of "Just Wanna Be a Sheep" and Madison Schantz gave the benediction. Connor Mandirola served on the sound board too. What joy to see our children learning and growing and using their abilities in these various ways.
Thanks go especially to JoAnne Jones and Lisa Griffin for coordinating and preparing the group for this day. Also, Ian Griffin assisted Pastor Kelvin in awarding appreciation gifts to our regular teachers, Robert Loomis, Lisa Griffin, Sheri Mandirola, and JoAnne Jones for their dedicated service during this past school year.
Pastor Kelvin's brief morning message drew from the story of Elisha picking up the prophetic office of Elijah (1 Ki. 19:19-21; 2 Ki. 2:5-15). He spoke about how it is constantly our job both to be mentors for those who come after us and to take up the service and ministry assignments to which God calls us. As we do we can remember that God is with us as he was with Elisha in his new responsibility.