Watch the Service
The cooperative venture called virtual church continues. With Cory Schantz and Jonathan Griffin working behind the scenes on the tech part, and Judy Holcomb helping with communications, Copper Hill United Methodist has been able to continue meeting in this unusual time in history via Zoom. For virtual service for April 19, 2020 Pastor Kelvin continued the Easter series of messages called “Life Through Jesus.” JoAnne talked with Griffin and Connor Mandirola about their garden plans and made the application by referring to how seeds “come to life” when they are planted. Virtual handshake and greeting time afterward continues to be a hit. We don’t include it in the recorded versions but those who are live on Zoom really enjoy connecting in this way.
Improvements and glitches
Each week we strive to improve a little. This week we ordered and received a new microphone to improve sound quality. With it, JoAnne is able to record piano and harp pieces which she can them embed in PowerPoint slides. Using JoAnne’s original work enables us to avoid the copyright issues that plague those who use downloaded music. We also used the mic in the dining room to improve our voice sound.
It seems there are always little glitches. I was warned in a webinar I watched that there are always glitches. Was that ever right. This week the iPhone, which has been a rock, would not show me the picture when I flipped to the other camera, leading me to think it was not working. Finally Cory rescued me from panic by letting me know that it was sending the right picture even though it didn’t look like it. I guess I just need to prepare for glitches being part of the process, not an easy adjustment for me. I prefer that machines be predictable. Oh well.