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August series to speak of blessings we enjoy
Pastor Kelvin’s message today called “Be Encouraged” helps us to understand that our God is a God who gives hope and encouragement to his people. While our failures and the circumstances of our lives often make us feel like God is distant and uninterested, it is not the truth. When we are discouraged and hurting, God is close (Ps. 34:18) in order to lift us up and help us. Today’s message along with the hymn for today’s service provide “Blessed Assurance” that God is at work to energize our spirits and renew our strength (Phil. 1:6, 2:12,13).
Sang ” Blessed Assurance” with your Mom more than once in her final days and we were both blessed as we proclaimed our undying love for such a marvelous Savior and our assurance of eternal life in His presence.
Always appreciated the close relationship between your family and ours. I am so glad you were able to visit Mom often in those days. Blessed Assurance was a hymn she loved too.