Watch the service
Streaming from our sanctuary today
Today marked a new step forward for our church as we streamed our service from the sanctuary for the first time. Pastor Kelvin took the opportunity to talk about our continuing need as Christians for new spiritual beginnings. Drawing from the messages to the churches of
Revelation chapter three, Rev. Jones and JoAnne explained the bad things that happen when we allow our spiritual life to fade. Then they helped us to see that times of spiritual renewal lead to open doors of opportunity to serve God and others.
This step forward
Much preparation went into the step forward that you see today. The COVID-19 Planning group realized immediately last March that our church was not equipped for streaming. For starters, it had no cable connection and no internet. So in the weeks while services were being streamed from the parsonage, Cory Schantz and Ron Prevost worked with Cox to install cable and Wifi at church to support streaming from our sanctuary. At the direction of the Planning Group, we purchased a Mevo camera and related equipment which were also in use today. Many thanks to Cory Schantz who spent the time and contributed his tech expertise to get it all up and running. Thanks to Cal Schantz, Judy Holcomb, Ron Prevost and Jonathan Griffin for also contributing to the finished product.
Your feedback is helpful
We would appreciate your feedback. As you know, this is a work in progress and we are remodeling the car while we drive it, so to speak. So, it is helpful to us to get your reactions, suggestions, and ideas.