Copper Hill Church consecrates converted schoolhouse next door
Today our congregation gathered after morning service on the lawn of the house next door for a short liturgy of dedication. Council chair Judy Holcomb read Scripture and Pastor Kelvin led as the group consecrated the newly purchased property for the benefit of the Kingdom of God and of Copper Hill Church.
Like the church, the house is an historic building in the community. The front room is the former Copper Hill Schoolhouse. In the nineteenth century, an occasional church group would meet at the school house.

For many years, Copper Hill church has not had an available residence for a pastor that was in the community that we serve. Lately, we have been renting the West Granby UMC parsonage. A few years ago, our District Superintendent advised our church to purchase a house that could be used as a pastor’s residence. In 2020, the house next door became available for sale and we were able to purchase it. The property was highly desirable to the church because it wrapped around the existing parking area.
Currently the house next door is rented and it will likely remain so for the coming year. Pastor Kelvin Jones and JoAnne will continue to live in the former West Granby parsonage as long as they continue to serve the church.