Prayer in solitude energizes faith
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Followers of Jesus are constantly inspired and challenged by Jesus’ teaching and example concerning prayer in solitude. Pastor Kelvin reminded us that the Bible records several instances of Jesus going apart from the disciples and the crowds for prayer alone. Each time he received strength and direction for the next steps. When we remember his example, we’re not surprised when we read Jesus’ words in the Sermon on the Mount.
When you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.
Matthew 6:6 NIV
Pastor Jones suggested several essential functions of solitary prayer time.
- It is an aid to focus. There are fewer distractions and no one to impress. Motives are open before God.
- It allows time for private worship, thanksgiving and praise.
- In solitude we can be honest with our fears, our doubts and our needs. We can talk things over with God that we can’t admit before others.
- Solitude gives us an opportunity to listen for God speaking to us.
Pastor Jones reminded us how Elijah heard from God through a quiet whisper in the stillness that followed the wind, the earthquake and the fire.
Some of the ways that God speaks to us include,
- Highlighting a verse, phrase or even just a word of Scripture from our daily reading.
- Planting ideas in our mind as we are in prayerful contemplation.
- Putting a person on our mind to pray for or help in some way.
- Give us perspective on our world.
Our challenge is to listen to the words of Jesus and put ourselves in a quiet spot for prayer. In a line from the familiar chorus which Malia Gabbidon played for us this Sunday, “Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord.”