A good message for a time of transition
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Though the message had been planned for weeks, it turned out to be most appropriate for the day. The positive and expectant note sounded by pastor’s message came from the text which had been chosen many weeks previous.
No matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ.
2 Cor 1:20 NIV
Pastor pointed out that in this passage there are a Trinity of reason for us to have faith that God is at work and to look forward to the fulfilling of his promises in our lives. Our confidence begins with the character of God. “As surely as God is faithful…” (2 Cor. 1:18) Paul began. Pastor Kelvin reminded us that all the promises of God depend upon the reliable, unchanging character of God. The beginning of a vibrant faith is to learn who God is and why we can depend upon him. The congregation sang “Great is Thy Faithfulness” at the close of the service to remind us of this truth.
According to Pastor Kelvin, Paul also assures our faith by pointing to the work of Jesus for us. God’s desire to deliver on his promises has been shown at Calvary. God’s ability to deliver on them has been proven by the resurrection of Jesus which verified all that Jesus had spoken and made possible all that we have received from him.
Pastor Kelvin reminded us that the powerful presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives also reassures us. The Holy Spirit is an internal witness that all God’s promises are “Yes” in Christ Jesus!
Pastor Kelvin Jones announces full retirement
During the announcement time, Pastor Kelvin announced that he and JoAnne would be fully retiring at the end of June. He had learned from our district superintendent just before Easter that the parishes would be restructured for the coming year, eliminating the part-time position that he has occupied for the past ten years. He asks for our prayers for him and his wife and for our church as we all navigate this time of transition. Current SPR chair Jim Luchina will be playing a key role in the next few weeks as well.