Starting on January 12, 2014, Copper Hill United Methodist Church will hold its weekly 9 a.m. Sunday morning worship service in the Fellowship Hall at the rear of the sanctuary. Congregants are asked to enter through either the handicapped entrance on the west side of the sanctuary, or through the Fellowship Hall entrance. This arrangement will continue until warmer weather.
The change is necessary because our historic sanctuary is not yet well insulated. This was one topic of discussion during the January Council meeting and is high on the list of projects being considered in the current planning. Pastor Kelvin spoke for many when he announced that, for his part, he would like to make this the last year that Copper Hill UMC needs to make this move.
After their meeting, Council members moved the pulpit to the south end of the Fellowship Hall and arranged chairs there. Lay Leader Bob Loomis commented on some positive features about meeting in that space: it provides a welcoming close-knit atmosphere, and the acoustics are excellent, making the singing even more vibrant than usual.
Pastor Kelvin will continue his current practical Christian growth series titled, “God’s Word is Our Lamp.”