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From Palm Sunday to the Cross
It was a joy to again sing the traditional Palm Sunday anthem, Hosanna, Loud Hosanna, remembering the Triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. Then in today’s message, I looked toward Good Friday and helped us all to think about how the cross of Jesus was a culmination of his teaching and his ministry, a moment that was eclipsed only by the glory of his resurrection.
COVID Team preparing for next week
We are all looking forward to Easter Sunday for more than one reason. It is always an amazing Sunday since it is the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus. But this year it is also going to be amazing because it is the first public in-person service at Copper Hill Church in more than a year. To help prepare, our COVID-19 team was at church for the Palm Sunday service this morning to check out how things would go. Please thank them when you have a chance, Each one has a vital part to play in our current ministry. JoAnne helps write the script for the service, plans and plays the music, does Power Pak, and helps with the sermon editing and commentary. Cory works the sound board, handles Zoom, manages WiFi, MEVO camera, and computers, Jonathan shares the slides using another computer, Judy sends the weekly email, decorates, and keeps records, and Bob Loomis has volunteered to do the behind the scenes cleaning that is essential. On a given Sunday, between Cory, Jonathan, JoAnne and I, we are probably running five computers, and four phones to produce service and Bible study. I thank God for this dedicated team.