Pastor Jones affirms Copper Hill for generous giving
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This Sunday Pastor Jones reminded us that our giving reflects our heart. There is a close link between what we love and what we are willing to spend money on. We easily open our wallet for children and grandchildren whom we love. And we give generously to causes that are dear to us as well. St Paul collected an offering from the Greek churches for the church in Jerusalem. In writing to the church in Corinth, Paul pointed out that Jesus is our example of generous and selfless giving. But Paul also insisted that contributions should never be forced or pressured, but always come only from willing and eager hearts. Pastor Kelvin complimented Copper Hill Church for their faithful giving during COVID. He also noted that a Biblical plan for giving always includes the concept that our gifts are expected to be in proportion to our income. The concept of the tithe which Jesus affirmed (Matt. 23:23) is one key guideline. Meeting the needs of others is another basic purpose and consideration for our charitable acts. In these ways, our gifts to God and to others become expressions of our love for God. They reflect our heart and become like bouquets of flowers given by a lover to the beloved.