On Sunday, August 17, volunteers from Copper Hill United Methodist Church spent part of the afternoon on the local rail trail walking to raise funds for the fight against malaria. The annual Skeeter Walk as it is called brought out a baker’s dozen volunteers to hike in the pleasant afternoon sunshine. Each one had asked for sponsors to support them on their walk. All together the group raised $700 toward the United Methodist Church’s campaign called Imagine No Malaria. Currently, the biggest goal of the campaign is to distribute sleeping nets in Africa that prevent children from getting malaria. It is a practical way of being a part of today’s expression of the healing ministry of Jesus. http://www.umcor.org/UMCOR/Programs/Global-Health/Imagine-No-Malaria
Many in the group wore T shirts for the occasion and carried fly-swatters so people on the trail would recognize the walkers who were part of the effort, giving additional publicity to the cause. The biggest fund-raisers were Susan Madry, Judy Holcomb and Robert Loomis. Any slackers on the walk itself were put to shame by Louise Holcomb’s brisk pace despite her walker. JoAnne Jones probably set the fastest pace as she nearly walked the circuit twice, first accompanying Nancy out and back, then catching up again and finishing the course with Susan. Jan was the bravest as her direction was determined by those who pushed her chair, Hunter, Robert, and Ron. One walker not shown in the picture is Pastor Jones.