After discussion and prayer, the church council unanimously voted to change the time of the Sunday morning worship service at Copper Hill United Methodist from 9 AM to 9:30 AM beginning 8 March, 2015 which is the beginning of daylight savings time. The idea was first proposed by young adult ladies meeting over tea at the parsonage. JoAnne brought the suggestion to the council in January and the council felt that a wider airing of the concept was needed. A general discussion of the idea was held after service on Feb. 1 and we discovered that there was widespread agreement that such a change would be a good idea, making attendance easier for parents with children, for elder seniors and most likely more attractive to visitors as well. From a historical perspective, Robert reminded us that the new time of 9:30 AM is actually the time at which Copper Hill historically had services. The earlier time was begun about 15 years ago to accommodate a schedule change at West Granby. So we are returning to our roots.