Pictures from Easter
Easter is a big moment at Copper Hill Church. The service began differently than usual—no prelude, just the sudden announcement – whispered at first and growing louder with each repetition – “The Lord is risen; The Lord is risen indeed!” Traditional Easter hymns mixed with contemporary songs of praise followed as the congregation joined with Christians around the world to praise our Living Lord. JoAnne Jones played “Rejoice, the Lord is King” on her Celtic harp and the choir sang “Welcome Happy Morning” and “Easter Song.” On the latter song, the children helped by ringing bells. Pastor Kelvin’s message echoed the confession of the New Testament times, “Jesus is Lord.”
After the service the children delighted in the egg hunt and everyone one enjoyed fellowship time. It was a moment for good food and relaxed conversation. Part of the blessing of the resurrection of Jesus is the community of faith that we enjoy at such times.
Pastor Kelvin announced that his next sermon series which will begin next week will be on the 10 commandments. These ancient laws have been in the news as lawyers debate where to post them in this politically correct world, but their role in salvation history and their relevance to our lives has never been in question.