Bible study off to a great start
Sixteen people enjoyed the first of Pastor Kelvin’s Wednesday night Bible study series at Higley Village Clubhouse in East Granby. Each Wednesday at 6:30 PM the group will enjoy a time of fellowship, learning more about God’s Word and praying together. This fall the topic is “A Christian’s Status, Responsibilities and Privileges.” The study will be learning from the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Ephesian church. Each week a volunteer brings cookies or something similar so that we can have a time of light refreshments at the end. The clubhouse at Higley Village is very well appointed for such a meeting, having lots of room, a piano, its own kitchenette and a bathroom. The group plans to meet each Wednesday evening until Thanksgiving. More participants are welcome. Dottie Plunske is the hostess and JoAnne Jones is the refreshment coordinator.