Pastor Kelvin to speak on Easter Supervising Pastor Rev. Gene Ott has assigned Pastor Kelvin Jones to speak at Copper Hill Church on Easter Sunday morning, March 31, at the 9AM service. Rev. Jones is excited to return to Copper Hill for this special day and commented, “It will be a joy to celebrate the…
Category: Activity blog
What is happening?

Three Keys to Having a Great Summer
How do we have a good life when things are not exactly going our way? Watch the service All of us go through difficult times. In fact, Jesus warned us that in this life we would have troubles (John 16:33). But he also reminded us that he had overcome the world and that he expected…

Building Together on One Foundation
Pastor Jones encourages unity in transition Watch the service With the traditional time for the change of pastors rapidly approaching, Pastor Kelvin emphasized things that hold the church together through times of transitions in leadership. He spoke from 1 Corinthians 1:10-13; 3:5-11 where Paul recounts the factions that had arisen in that church due to…

Under Construction
Please pardon some rough connections in the near future as we make some changes to our website. Changes will be both improvements and transitional related to the change of pastorate.

Three Things God Wants to Do
Pastor Kelvin supports women in ministry Watch the service Pastor Kelvin helped us to dig into Acts chapter 2 this Sunday. The first works of the Holy Spirit in the nascent church reveal to us three things that God wants to do in our church and in our lives today. First of all, we learn…

Give them Jesus
What we really need is God’s enabling! Watch the service Pastor Kelvin and JoAnne returned from two weeks vacation to lead the monthly Communion service at Copper Hill Church. Pastor’s message topic helped us to be motivated to share Jesus with others. He reminded us that often we do good things and share good advice…

Pastor Jones to retire June 30
Bishop Thomas Bickerton announces new pastor for Copper Hill Church This is to be a year of pastoral transition at Copper Hill Church. Pastor Jones had originally intended to fully retire a couple years ago, but circumstances guided him to continue in active ministry. But this year situations are different. After ten years of ministry…

National Day of Prayer
Annual East Granby Prayer Event Held The First Thursday in May is The National Day of Prayer and for many years there has been a prayer event in every town in CT to mark that day. Copper Hill United Methodist Church hosted the 2023 East Granby event. We were privileged to have East Granby First…

What Can I Do
Vibrant Faith calls for action Watch the service Did you ever feel like there isn’t much that you can do? I think sometimes we feel that way in the church. We hear sermons about the work of God in the world but come away asking, “What can I do?” We instinctively know that vibrant faith…

National Day of Prayer Events
May 4 in Granby at 4 PM and East Granby at 7 PM Each year in every town in Connecticut there are events marking the National Day of Prayer. Governor Ned Lamont has issued a Proclamation affirming May 4, 2023 as a Day of Prayer for the State of Connecticut. This proclamation will be read…