The photo record Pastor Kelvin is encouraging families who are having a special liturgy such as confirmation to have a designated photographer to record the moment. The Griffin family invited a family friend, photographer J.W. Remington, to come and take pictures for the confirmation of Anna and Connor last Sunday. We are indebted to him…
Category: Activity blog
What is happening?
The Baptism of Luke Oliver
The photos are here The rapidly expanding importance of media in today’s world has made photographs increasingly important. So Pastor Kelvin is encouraging families who are having a special liturgy such as a baby baptism or confirmation to have a designated photographer up front with the family to record the moment. The Griffin family invited…

Moms Can Really Inspire
Watch the Service Baptism and confirmations in Copper Hill’s founding family Mother’s Day was a great celebration. In addition to honoring the mothers, Pastor Kelvin had the privilege of baptizing Luke Andrew Oliver, second son of Mark and Sarah Oliver. Then the congregation welcomed new confirmands Anna Griffin and Connor Mandirola. The morning message was…

Jesus Sustains Us
Watch the service Assurances drawn from Jesus’ appearance to the disciples by the Sea of Galilee Today was Communion Sunday and Pastor Kelvin drew inspiration for us from one of the incidents in the Gospels where Jesus fed the disciples. The appearance of the Risen Christ to the disciples by the Sea of Galilee was…

Our Response
Watch the service Jean Schlapfer speaks Again this week Copper Hill welcomed lay speaker Jean Schlapfer of the Bakerville, CT UMC Church and Karen Ahijevych shared the Power Pak moment. Pastor Kelvin and JoAnne enjoyed the second of two weeks vacation in preparation for their transition to full retirement at the end of June.

Welcome to National Day of Prayer
“You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (Jesus’ words from John 8:32). Our country is much in need of prayer, this year more than ever! You can be a part of a massive, unified prayer effort as we gather across our nation on Thursday, May 6 for the 70th annual…

God Works Eternally
Watch the service Jean Schlapfer speaks It was a good message today from lay speaker Jean Schlapfer of the Bakerville, CT UMC Church. Karen Ahijevych shared the Power Pak moment. Pastor Kelvin and JoAnne are enjoying two weeks vacation in preparation for their transition to full retirement at the end of June.

A Journey of Faith
Watch the service The Road to Emmaus and us In many ways, the experience of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus is similar to our own journey of faith. Pastor Kelvin and JoAnne pointed out that sometimes we are hesitant to believe, just as they were. But, by God’s grace, we open our…

Mary Discovers the Empty Tomb
Watch the service Easter service is a double celebration Today was a day of rejoicing at Copper Hill Church both because it is Easter and because it is the first official public in-person service in our historic sanctuary in more than a year. We began outside so we could sing an Easter hymn together. Then…

The Climactic Cross
Watch the service From Palm Sunday to the Cross It was a joy to again sing the traditional Palm Sunday anthem, Hosanna, Loud Hosanna, remembering the Triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. Then in today’s message, I looked toward Good Friday and helped us all to think about how the cross of Jesus was a…