Watch the service Making Good Decisions Today Pastor Kelvin and JoAnne talked about how God helps us make good decisions. Reflecting on the Bible’s guidance helps. And we also remember Jesus’ teaching that whatever holds the first priority in our hearts will influence our decisions in its direction.
Category: Activity blog
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Our Vital Prayer Connection
Watch the Service Daily prayer keeps us connected to Jesus Today Pastor Kelvin and JoAnne reminded us how crucial prayer is for enabling us to keep close to God. Jesus used an illustration from the vineyards around Palestine and spoke of his followers as branches staying connected to the vine. After explaining Jesus’ illustration, the…

Prayer resources for these days
Recommended links Prayer leader, JoAnne Jones has found three articles which are very helpful in guiding our prayers during this difficult time in our nation’s history. The first is very timely. I’m sure you will find these encouraging and helpful to your own prayer life. “3 Prayers for a Nation in Crisis,” “Truths to Remember:…

God’s Word as Fuel for Your Day
Watch the service Making a habit of taking in God’s Word Today Pastor Kelvin and JoAnne encouraged us to make a habit of taking in and interacting with God’s Word daily. They gave several practical suggestions for ways to effectively absorb Bible truths and even use technology to do so in a busy contemporary schedule…

Bible Reading in the New Year
Suggested Chapters for New Bible Readers Today we want to encourage you in reading your Bible in the New Year. If you are not familiar with where to start, here is a list of recommended chapters to help you begin. If you have questions about the Bible , just contact us. Your New habits Each…

Living with Faith in 2021
Watch the service Living with Faith in the New Year Today Pastor Kelvin and JoAnne helped us keep perspective for the New Year. Rather than focus on the problems, we can begin with who God is. “With God all things are possible!” Jesus said (Matt. 19:26). Then we expect God to be at work, first…

The Importance of Councils
Watch the service Robert Loomis explains some church history Today’s service featured lay leader Robert Loomis helping us understand the role of key figures in church history, people like Constantine, Arius, Athanasius, Ambrose and Augustine. He also helped us understand how the Council of Nicaea helped the church express its beliefs about the Trinity and…

Trusting Christ at Christmas
Watch Christmas Eve service Special Music highlights Christmas Eve One of the parts of the Christmas Eve celebration that we love the most is the music. That is a challenge in 2020, but some of our musicians rose to the challenge. Our music director, JoAnne Jones coordinated the efforts of Jonathan Griffin and Jordan Gabbidon…

“Hanging of the Greens” – Our annual children’s Christmas Service.(Click start above, then click below.)
Click play on player below to start. Click the full screen icon in the bottom right to make full screen.

Christmas Joy
Watch the service Joy is the theme for the third week of Advent Using stories as well as Scriptures, Pastor Kelvin and JoAnne reminded us that Jesus came to bring us joy. God’s Spirit creates joy in our lives as we worship and surprises us with joy as we serve others. The more familiar we…