Watch the service Learning confidence in our faith Sometimes we have doubts, but God wants us to have assurance in our faith. Today Pastor’s message titled “Rock Solid Faith” drew from the insights of St. Peter in his second letter to the churches. Peter’s idea is that those who have responded to God’s calling to…
Category: Activity blog
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The Gift of Communion
Watch the service Understanding Communion better The First Sunday in October is World Communion Sunday. Pastor Kelvin focused Copper Hill Church’s service today around Communion. His message explained some of the meaning behind Jesus’ institution of the sacrament and how it continues to unite us and give us hope today. “This sacrament is a sign…

Facing Challenges Together
Watch the service Strategies for winning over obstacles We need deliberate strategies to help us come out as winners when we are faced with multiple obstacles in our lives. Today Pastor Kelvin and JoAnne look at the example of Nehemiah who overcame many difficulties as he lead the Israelites in rebuilding. For most of us,…

Times of Refreshing
Watch the service God wants to refresh our souls Today Pastor Kelvin graphically described how much we need renewal from God. “Like trash slowly accumulating, worldliness grows on us, and all the easier since our culture pays no heed to the moral trash it produces. Like the waves of the shore washing up the flotsam…

The Upside Down List of Who’s Blessed
Watch the service A new look at the Beatitudes If you ask most people to describe who is really lucky, who will get a similar list of those upon whom worldly fortune has smiled. But when Jesus gave his most famous sermon, he began with a list of who is blessed that turns conventional thinking…

Praying for an election
Non-partisan guide to praying for an election

Navigating 2020
Watch the service “Fear will defeat us; faith will help us!” This week Pastor Kelvin uses the story of Paul’s shipwreck on the island of Malta to help us learn to cope in difficult stations. By observing how Paul reacted to this crisis, we can learn some crucial lessons which will help us as well….

Blessed In Seeking God
Watch the service Experience the Bible as a Book of Invitation! That was one of Pastor Kelvin’s memorable ideas from the message this morning. Today’s text, Isaiah 55, is a prime example, containing several direct or implied invitations for us to draw near to God and receive spiritual help from Him. The hymn for the…

Creativity Amid Limitations
Watch the service Creative illustrations help make the point Today Pastor Kelvin and JoAnne talk about how our creative God helps us to be creative just at the time when we feel most boxed in by circumstances. JoAnne provides two ingenious illustrations to help make the point. One was a piece of art done by…

Blessed by Grace
Watch the service Spiritual energy for our needs Today we discovered in Paul’s writings from prison how he could be joyful and filled with spiritual energy even during difficult times. Pastor Kelvin reminded us that Paul kept his focus on God’s resources rather than his circumstances. What a great hint for us as well. JoAnne…