Watch the service Applying our faith in today’s world In today’s message, Pastor Kelvin Jones helps us to use our faith to navigate the troubling days we are going through as a country. Drawing from Psalm 9 as well as other familiar texts, Rev. Jones encourages us to begin by focusing our thoughts on God…
Category: Activity blog
What is happening?

Celebrating Pentecost
Watch the service Pastor Jones explains the church holiday called Pentecost On the day called Pentecost, the Holy Spirit descended on the gathered disciples, not in the form of a dove as had happened with Jesus, but with wind and flames (Acts 2:2-4). This event is often described as the birthday of the church. Peter…

Spiritual Healing for Our Land
Copper Hill Celebrates Memorial Day Watch the service Today’s Memorial Day celebration for Copper Hill church featured the personal story of the survival, transformation and spiritual healing of WWII Veteran, Joe DeSerio. We prayed for service persons now serving around the world and for police, first responders, doctors and nurses serving us all during COVID-19….

Help for praying while waiting
Times like these can try our patience as we wait for things. Perhaps you are waiting for your business to open again. Maybe you are waiting to be able to socialize with friends in the way you did before COVID-19. At Copper Hill Church, we can hardly wait for the time when we can gather…

A Parent’s Spiritual Example
Watch the service Using the talents of many people Our virtual services continue by using the special abilities of many people. JoAnne Jones’s musical talents are being utilized in new ways during virtual services. Each week she composes and records the pre-service music on her synthesizer. Then she transfers the recording into a new computer…

Waiting Well
Watch the service First Virtual Communion Bishop Thomas Bickerton has given pastors special permission during this COVID-19 pandemic to hold virtual communion services. It might be hard for us to think about virtual communion, at first. But, we can remember from Scripture that God is not hindered in his working by distance. Remember that Jesus…

Boost your prayer life
God will do nothing on earth except in answer to believing prayer. John Wesley The disciples of Jesus did not ask him to teach them how to preach or teach, though Jesus was the Master preacher and teacher. They did not ask him how to answer their critics wisely though Jesus answered his foes so…

Living with a Purpose
Watch the service Virtual Communion Bishop Bickerton has given pastors special permission during this pandemic to hold Virtual Communion Services. So next Sunday I plan to include a virtual communion service as part of our 9:30 morning service. I encourage you to have some grape juice, cran-grape juice or red wine, and bread or crackers…

Made Alive with Jesus
Watch the Service The cooperative venture called virtual church continues. With Cory Schantz and Jonathan Griffin working behind the scenes on the tech part, and Judy Holcomb helping with communications, Copper Hill United Methodist has been able to continue meeting in this unusual time in history via Zoom. For virtual service for April 19, 2020…