JoAnne and I have been using Scripture-based prayers during the virtual church services. JoAnne has prepared theme-based collections of such prayers to assist you in your own devotional life. Included in this post are two more of her collections. These prayers focused around the twin themes of healing and comfort are especially appropriate for this…
Category: Activity blog
What is happening?

Virtual Easter
Watch CHUMC Easter Easter was definitely different this year. It will be an Easter to remember. But we had some familiar things too. We dressed up like usual. Pastor wore his purple shirt and white jacket. We sang “Up From the Grave He Arose.” Pastor’s message was a message of hope reminding us that because…

Palm Sunday and Purposeful Resilience
Virtual Palm Sunday service Watch the service Palm Sunday was different this year as we held virtual service via Zoom, our fourth Sunday using that medium. But there were some things the same too. We couldn’t pass out fresh palm fronds as we did before, but we held up dried palms from previous years to…

Prayer Resources
Scripture Prayers to Help You Pray Do you find yourself taking time to pray and then being at a loss for words? Well, the resources we are offering here can help you. One of the goals in our COVID-19 plan for Copper Hill Church is to provide prayer resources. All of us give lip service…
Trusting God in Troubled Times
YouTube Version Added Watch March 29 service on Copper Hill Church YouTube Channel Our experiment with Virtual Service during the COVID-19 situation continues. It is certainly a work in progress and each week our team strives to make improvements. One improvement engineered by Cory Schantz this week is to add an additional venue over which…
Faith that Surmounts a Crisis
Watch Virtual Service New strides Today we held our second virtual service. In keeping with our goal to be interactive, we included an additional speaker. Lay leader Robert Loomis debuted the first Virtual History Moment, talking about John Wesley’s concern for people through the classes and bands that he established to keep in touch with…
Copper Hill’s First Virtual Church Service
Message- The Healing Power of Faith and Prayer Watch the Service COVID-19 Faith-in-Action Plan Implemented In response to the developing situation with the COVID-19 pandemic, and in order to do our part to slow the spread of the virus, Copper Hill Church moved its worship service online today, Mar. 15, 2020. With Jonathan Griffin providing…
Prayers for Comfort
Scripture prayers for you We promised as one of the initiatives of Copper Hill Church’s Action Plan for COVID-19 that we would be providing Prayer Resources to encourage and comfort folks during the stresses of this virus induced emergency. JoAnne has been at work crafting Scripture prayers for our comfort. These prayers stick very close…

Copper Hill COVID-19 Action Plan
Copper Hill Church Immediate COVID-19 Faith-in-Action Plan March 12, 2020 Dear Friends and Family of Copper Hill Church, As you know, we live in challenging times. The severity of the COVID-19 outbreak is necessitating action by all public organizations to protect the health of one another. As part of our prayer that you may…

Copper Hill Observes Scout Sunday
Ryan Harvey represents Scouts On Sunday, February 9, Copper Hill Church celebrated Scout Sunday. Scout Ryan Harvey served as reader to mark the day. Pastor Kelvin noted that having a Boy Scout participate in service “helps the congregation to remember the contributions of scouting.” Ryan’s Mom, Kelly Burke, is a member of Copper Hill Church…