Celebrating Trinity Sunday Watch the service This year, the two important church calendar Sundays of Pentecost and Trinity Sunday were perfectly sandwiched between Memorial Day and Father’s Day. Protestant, Roman Catholic, and Eastern Orthodox branches of Christianity all agree in worshipping God as the Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The most unifying feature…
Category: Activity blog
What is happening?

House Next Door Dedicated Today
Copper Hill Church consecrates converted schoolhouse next door Today our congregation gathered after morning service on the lawn of the house next door for a short liturgy of dedication. Council chair Judy Holcomb read Scripture and Pastor Kelvin led as the group consecrated the newly purchased property for the benefit of the Kingdom of God…

Why is Pentecost Important?
God’s Holy Spirit renews us so that our lives bless others! Watch the service Many people today are worn down emotionally by the stresses of modern life and the toll of COVID times. Yet at the same time, we are often too pre-occupied to avail ourselves of opportunities for spiritual renewal. The result is predictable….

Confirmation Sunday
Two confirmands take membership vows Watch the service This was a special Sunday at Copper Hill Church as Ian Griffin and Madison Schantz were confirmed and joined our church. Each one participated in the service by reading Scripture as well and Ian also served on the technical team as he usually does. Both Ian and…

Giving to Jesus by Helping Others
Only in heaven will we fully realize how much we owe to the poor for helping us love God better through them. Mother Teresa Watch the service Copper Hill Church celebrated Mothers Day by giving small gifts to each lady present and recognizing and praying for mother’s. Pastor Kelvin reminded us that we worship God…

Authentic Worship
What does true worship look like in the post-pandemic 21st century? Watch the service It’s time for some new perspectives as much of our culture and also the church at large resets in 2022 after two years dominated by pandemic related restrictions. Pastor Kelvin intends to explore the meaning of worship to see how it…

Doubting Thomas’s Can Believe in 2022
Realists can find evidence for faith today Watch the service The Scripture lesson for today was unusual in that we know the events it relates happened on the Sunday after Easter. The disciples gathered together again behind closed doors just as they had on Easter evening. But unlike on Easter evening, this time the skeptical…

Easter Presentations Shine
Junior Teen Video – “The Empty Tomb” – was a Highlight Retelling of the story of Jesus’ life is part of our church’s purpose. This Easter at Copper Hill UMC, our junior teens worked hard to do exactly that in a twenty-first century way. They collaborated together under the direction and encouragement of JoAnne Jones…

Jesus is the Bread of Life
Communion Sunday at Copper Hill church Watch the service In service this morning, we explored what Jesus meant when he said, “I am the Bread of Life.” His words were in dialogue with the Jewish leaders who had brought up the “bread from heaven,” the manna, which God had sent to sustain the Israelites during…

Jesus Provides Access to God
Jesus said, “I am the gate.” Watch the service Pastor Kelvin continues to teach us from the texts in the Bible where Jesus says, “I AM.” Since the name that God gave the the Israelites for himself during the Exodus means “I AM” (Ex. 3:14), whenever Jesus uses the phrase “I am” we need to…