How do we pray for someone who needs God in their life but doesn’t really know Him yet? They may consider themselves a “good person” but are unaware of what it takes to have a deeper relationship with a loving God. Perhaps they perceive God as aloof or uncaring instead of patient, forgiving, and compassionate….
Category: Activity blog
What is happening?

Worship from the Heart
Online for a new reason; Ice cancels in-person service Watch the service Why is it that we can worship at home or at church? Pastor Kelvin and JoAnne hosted service on Zoom from Pastor’s office at the parsonage due to the ice-storm. He chose the topic of worship for the meditation of the morning. His…

A Look at George Whitefield
Church history is interesting Watch the service Our lay leader, Robert Loomis, who loves church history, spoke this week about the great evangelist George Whitefield (1714-1770). Whitefield is an important figure as he was a leading preacher along with John Wesley in the the revival of faith in England in the 18th century. Since Methodism…

Jesus Our Lord
Christmas Series completed Watch the service Attendance might be lower after Christmas, but the topic this year on Dec. 26th provided a climactic ending to our Advent/Christmas emphasis. The word “Lord” is used over 5000 times in the Bible. In the OT it is both a stand-alone name for God and chosen substitute for God’s…

Jesus Our Light
Christmas Eve service well attended. Watch the Service After Connor Mandirola lit all five candles of the Advent wreath, music was the keynote for the traditional Christmas Eve service at Copper Hill Church. Since we could not have an in-person service last year, this year’s was extra joyful. The Congregation enjoyed several familiar Christmas carols…

Hanging of the Greens
Youth lead the service Watch the service Teens and children at Copper Hill Church conducted the service this past Sunday. They lead the annual “Hanging of the Greens” event, a Copper Hill Advent tradition for telling the Christmas story. Griffin Mandirola led prayers and Christmas carols while all the older children and teens shared readings….

Emmanuel, God With Us
Three steps to a deeper experience of Christmas Watch the Service This week Pastor Kelvin helped us to expand our understanding and deepen our experience of Christmas. The first step was to understand what the Bible means when it names Jesus as Emmanuel. This involves exploring the prophecies of Isaiah regarding the sign child of…

Christmas Calendar
Great to be back at church for Christmas Season Our Advent and Christmas season is exciting this year after a year away from our building. We are overjoyed to be lighting advent candles again. The intergenerational church decorating time on the on the first Sunday of Advent was delightful too and was followed by our…

A Savior is Born
Rediscovering the Meaning of Christmas, Week Two Watch the service The Good News announced by the angels to the shepherds on Christmas Eve was that a Savior had been born. This week Pastor Kelvin explained why we need saving and how Jesus saves us from our sins. Pastor Kelvin also emphasized that Jesus also came…

Our Messiah
Watch the service On the first Sunday in Advent, our focus turns toward Christmas Excitement is building as we savor together the privilege of in-person worship during the Advent/Christmas season. Our liturgy changes as we begin by lighting one more candle each week in the Advent wreath. I encouraged those watching at home to light…