Our Giving Thanks Echoes Heavenly Praises Watch the service On Thanksgiving Sunday, Pastor Kelvin guided us in exploring the seven doxologies of Revelation 4-7. As we become inspired by the praises of the choirs of heaven recorded there, our own Thanksgiving is empowered and enhanced. They remind us of the blessings of salvation and the…
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Our Heavenly Inheritance
Watch the service Series on Heaven’s Joys continues When we think of inheritance, our mind quickly jumps to money or real estate or antiques. But to understand the Bible promises of a heavenly inheritance, we need to think on a different level. This week Pastor Kelvin guided us in meditating on the eternal rewards that…

The Most Coveted Invitation
Watch the service New series called Heaven’s Joys begins About twenty-five years ago a good friend invited me to attend a Syracuse football game with him at the Dome and watch Donavan McNabb during his freshman year at Syracuse. He had great seats and I really appreciated that invitation. But the most coveted invitation any…

Powerful Praying for Powerful Living
Watch the service Powerful Living series concludes with an emphasis upon prayer Today Pastor Kelvin focused our thoughts upon a key verse in the letter of James, “The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective” (James 5:16). He reminded us that this is not just a promise for super-saints but is for every…

Harvest Hayride
Fall Fun Sunday afternoon, October 24, Copper Hill Church sponsored a hayride. It was a multi-generational event enjoyed by children, parents and grandparents. Harrison Griffin arranged for the tractor and wagon and drove us up to his farm. We stopped in a field where Jonathan Griffin and Harrison who grow vegetables invited us to glean…

Powerful Living Requires Standing Firm
Watch the service More Helpful Hints for Influential and Energetic Living Many people assume that life is supposed to be easy. But Jesus taught that “In this world, you will have trouble” (John 16:33). So it is wiser to assume as M. Scott Peck put it that “Life is Difficult” (The Road Less Traveled). But…

Everything Needed for Powerful Living
Watch the service God enables abundantly This week Pastor Kelvin helped us to understand how to avail ourselves of the strength that God has promised to provide. Speaking from the first part of 2 Peter chapter 1, Pastor taught that living powerfully begins with our experiential knowledge of God. Then we can rely on the…

Powerful Living, What is it?
Watch the service New message series encourages faith-filled and influential living. On October 10, Pastor Kelvin began a new message series called “Powerful Living.” He taught from Colossians 1:3-14. We learned that powerful living requires spiritual wisdom. People who live with strength and help others on their journey are also people who are growing themselves….

Future Hope
Watch the service Christ’s second coming and his promise of resurrection are our future hope. This week Pastor Kelvin completed the message series “Hope is Here” with a discussion of our “Future Hope.” We were reminded that salvation has three tenses. In the past, Jesus died for our salvation and as we trust in him,…

The Effects of Hope in God
Watch the service “Hope is Here” series continues. At Copper Hill Church, we continued to be inspired to “Put our hope in God.” As people, we like to know the results of what we are thinking about doing. This Sunday Pastor Kelvin talked about three practical effects in our daily lives when we hope in…