Focus on the exaltation of Christ strengthens our faith Watch the service Attendance was strong on a rainy Sunday morning as Pastor Kelvin Jones led in worship. He reminded the congregation that every Sunday is a mini celebration of the resurrection. But this is especially so in the weeks immediately following Easter. Anna Griffin read…

Vibrant Faith
A good message for a time of transition Watch the service Though the message had been planned for weeks, it turned out to be most appropriate for the day. The positive and expectant note sounded by pastor’s message came from the text which had been chosen many weeks previous. No matter how many promises God…

Foundations for Faith
Visiting soloist inspires Watch the service Music was the highlight again this week as Kim Ouderkirk of Chambers, NY visited our church and sang, “In the Presence of Jehovah” in her rich alto voice. God’s Spirit ministered to the congregation as she sang. Pastor Kelvin followed with an Eastertide message on the importance of the…

Faith for Eternal Life
Easter Celebration Energizes! Watch the service Anticipation was high as many arrived early for Easter service. Lilies, tulips and hyacinths beautified the sanctuary as JoAnne played a stirring rendition of “In Christ Alone,” just before Griffin Mandirola rose to read the Easter story from John 20:1-18. The congregation joined in praise with the hymn, “Christ…

The Message of Salvation through the Cross
Palm Sunday Celebration Watch the service We waved palm fronds and sang “Hosanna in the Highest” and the hymn “Hosanna, Loud Hosanna” as a part of our Palm Sunday service. However, Pastor Kelvin’s message looked toward Good Friday as we dug into the verse, The message of the cross is foolishness to those who are…

Easter Celebration
You are invited! We’d love to have you join us for our EASTER CELEBRATION on Sunday, April 9! It will be a morning of joy, music, and celebrating together Jesus’ triumph over death. MUSIC: We’ll begin with our Family Easter gathering at 9:30 AM. The choir will present a medley of beloved Easter songs ending…

Forgiveness from Jesus
Messages for the Easter season begin Watch the service “Forgiveness from Jesus” in one of the precious gifts offered to us because of the death and resurrection of Jesus. Pastor Kelvin chose to introduce this topic through the story told in John about the woman who was caught in adultery (John 8:1-11). She was in…

Finding Strength in Stillness
Prayer in solitude energizes faith Watch the service Followers of Jesus are constantly inspired and challenged by Jesus’ teaching and example concerning prayer in solitude. Pastor Kelvin reminded us that the Bible records several instances of Jesus going apart from the disciples and the crowds for prayer alone. Each time he received strength and direction…

Body Discipline and Spiritual Life
Panel of mentors lead the discussion Watch the service This week’s topic in our series on Steppingstones to Spiritual Health was unusual in several ways. Having recognized that Body Discipline and Spiritual Life was a challenging combination for himself alone, Pastor Kelvin asked several members of the congregation to serve on a panel of mentors…

The Power of Together
Stronger together applies to spiritual life too. Watch the service Continuing in the series “Steppingstones to Spiritual Health,” Pastor Kelvin reminded us that spiritual growth happens better when we are functioning in community in the family of God. Basing his message on Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 18:15-50, Rev. Jones suggested three ways that the church…