Joseph reminds us of the hymn, “Trust and Obey.” Watch the service Advent celebrations continued at Copper Hill church. Reagan Luchina lit the candles and Griffin and Connor Mandirola served as readers for our December Communion Sunday. Pastor Kelvin continued our exploration of “The Journey” written by Adam Hamilton with a character study on Joseph,…

Reasons for Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving shapes us to be grateful people. Watch the service It was a great Thanksgiving Sunday. At Pastor Jones’ request, Judy Holcomb prepared cards of Thanksgiving for the Congregation. At the beginning of the service Pastor asked each one to write down at least three things they were thankful for, one for each person of…

Thanksgiving-A Good Habit for Earth and Heaven
Giving Thanks was the theme for our Sunday service Watch the service Do you know someone who seems to be constantly bemoaning something? You probably don’t enjoy spending much time with them. On the other hand, overflowing gratitude makes a personality magnetic. Pastor Kelvin pointed out that Paul reminds us three times in just a…

The Bible and Our Legacy
Knowing and applying the Bible is the foundation for a great legacy Watch the service Pastor Kelvin remembered that the most influential gift that he ever received was the Thompson Chain Reference Bible that he received for Christmas when he was about twelve years old. It was an early factor in his growth as a…

Spiritual Growth that Builds a Legacy
Three critical habits for growing disciples Watch the service Pastor Jones’ message again paralleled our Bible study series on “Leaving a Godly Legacy” as he reminded us that God intends for Christians to grow into spiritual maturity and be fruitful. Our relationship with the Lord is expected to become richer, deeper, and more intimate every…

Words that Leave a Legacy of Blessing
Kimberly Ouderkirk’s song highlights the service Watch the service Right from the start, Pastor Kelvin mentioned that he felt there was a special Presence of God in our congregation on Oct. 23. Our visiting soloist Kim Ouderkirk brought us to tears as she sang “The Goodness of God” and we deeply praised God for the…

Let God’s Spirit Lead
God’s Spirit working in us is the key to spiritual influence. Watch the service Pastor Kelvin is continuing our series of messages on how to have “A Godly Spiritual Legacy.” This week we focused on the Holy Spirit’s work in us and through us to influence those around us. We cannot make a big spiritual…

You Are Loved
God’s Love makes a strong foundation for our Legacy Watch the service Pastor Kelvin continued his series on Spiritual Legacy by looking at the foundations of our Christian influence in the love of God. In this week’s message titled “You are Loved.” we learned that God who is love by nature sent his Son Jesus…

God’s Call to a Spiritual Legacy
October message series to discuss emotional and spiritual legacy. Watch the service All of us want to make a difference in our world through our lives. Yet we often struggle as to how to put a handle on that desire. This month’s study series and messages at Copper Hill Church will be a big help….

Six Mental Habits That Foster Hope
Pastor Kelvin gives practical tips on how to be hopeful Watch the service Our society today is desperately in need of hope. Today Rev. Jones concluded his series called “Finding Hope” by turning to a motivational passage that is full of very helpful advice. Philippians 4:4-9 is Paul’s encouragement to a church that was going…