Pastor Kelvin to speak on Easter Supervising Pastor Rev. Gene Ott has assigned Pastor Kelvin Jones to speak at Copper Hill Church on Easter Sunday morning, March 31, at the 9AM service. Rev. Jones is excited to return to Copper Hill for this special day and commented, “It will be a joy to celebrate the…
Category: Calendar of events
When are things happening?

National Day of Prayer
Annual East Granby Prayer Event Held The First Thursday in May is The National Day of Prayer and for many years there has been a prayer event in every town in CT to mark that day. Copper Hill United Methodist Church hosted the 2023 East Granby event. We were privileged to have East Granby First…

National Day of Prayer Events
May 4 in Granby at 4 PM and East Granby at 7 PM Each year in every town in Connecticut there are events marking the National Day of Prayer. Governor Ned Lamont has issued a Proclamation affirming May 4, 2023 as a Day of Prayer for the State of Connecticut. This proclamation will be read…

Easter Celebration
You are invited! We’d love to have you join us for our EASTER CELEBRATION on Sunday, April 9! It will be a morning of joy, music, and celebrating together Jesus’ triumph over death. MUSIC: We’ll begin with our Family Easter gathering at 9:30 AM. The choir will present a medley of beloved Easter songs ending…

Hope is Here Sunday
Copper Hill Joins National Celebration Here are three great reasons to check out Copper Hill Church in-person service on September 19 at 9:30 AM as we celebrate the Hope we have in Jesus. You could really use a good dose of hopefulness! Copper Hill Church is a downright friendly place! Fall is a great time…

Hope Is Here
Celebrating Back to Church Sunday September 19 Copper Hill Church is fostering hopefulness all the time, but especially this fall. The theme of Pastor Jones’ messages beginning in mid September will be “Hope is Here.” The phrase is intended as a double entendre, referring both the the transforming presence of Jesus and the healing influence…

Tag Sale returns this weekend
Tag Sale Announced This Friday, June 25, from 1-4 PM and this Saturday June 26, from 9-3 PM, Copper Hill Church will be holding its first tag sale since the pandemic. The tables are already heavily laden with goods and more are arriving. We will not be selling baked goods yet. COVID precautions will follow…

Welcome to National Day of Prayer
“You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (Jesus’ words from John 8:32). Our country is much in need of prayer, this year more than ever! You can be a part of a massive, unified prayer effort as we gather across our nation on Thursday, May 6 for the 70th annual…

In Person Worship on Easter
Copper Hill Church to Reopen We are happy to announce the reopening of Copper Hill Church for in-person services on Easter Sunday April 4, 2021 for our 9:30 AM service. We will be following the COVID-19 safety guidelines for all Methodist churches which Bishop Bickerton has established. Online broadcasting will continue at the same time. We…
Copper Hill’s First Virtual Church Service
Message- The Healing Power of Faith and Prayer Watch the Service COVID-19 Faith-in-Action Plan Implemented In response to the developing situation with the COVID-19 pandemic, and in order to do our part to slow the spread of the virus, Copper Hill Church moved its worship service online today, Mar. 15, 2020. With Jonathan Griffin providing…