Copper Hill Church Immediate COVID-19 Faith-in-Action Plan March 12, 2020 Dear Friends and Family of Copper Hill Church, As you know, we live in challenging times. The severity of the COVID-19 outbreak is necessitating action by all public organizations to protect the health of one another. As part of our prayer that you may…
Category: Calendar of events
When are things happening?

Harvest Party Fun
Copper Hill Church held its annual Harvest Party and Hayride on Oct. 20. The wagon was full, the kids were a little loud – meaning they were having fun. The day was a little drizzly but that just meant we snuggled under blankets and umbrellas. Thanks to the Griffins who arranged for the hayride and…

Celebrating Back to Church Sunday
Whew! It’s been a busy summer. Of course, most of the things I chose to do I would do again, but I am always wishing for a slower pace. It seems like summer goes so fast and we try to cram in so much. Some things are bound to get neglected in the rush,…

Bible Reading contest sparks interest
Copper Hill Church is running a contest between the Purple Thunder and the White Lightning to promote Bible reading. Contest organizer, JoAnne Jones, divided the congregation roughly in half by alphabet and recruited team captains. Both Kelly Harvey, captain of the Purple Thunder and Sherri Mandirola, captain of White Lightning, reported that members of their…

Holiday Bazaar a fun social event too
At Copper Hill Church, Holiday Bazaar is not just a fund raiser for charitable projects, it is also a social event. Perhaps the snow outside added to the charm of gathering for a hot bowl of soup and some delicious apple crisp. The baked goods are popular sale items as well, selling out completely this…
Special Sunday on Sept. 16
Sometimes we just need an excuse to do something we been going to do for some time. Getting back to church is one of things things for many people. I met someone just the other day at Suffield-on-the-Green who expressed exactly this sentiment. Just for folks like you we are creating a Back to Church…
Special Prayer Service
Have you had the feeling of not wanting to watch or read the news because it is so upsetting or discouraging? Maybe you feel there’s nothing that can be done. But there is! This is an event for you. Tomorrow night Copper Hill Church will sponsor a special prayer service, inviting other area churches to…
Copper Hill Church to hold National Back to Church Sunday events
This picture from our church summer picnic is a happy reminder for all of us of the good times we enjoyed during sunny summer days. Vacations with family, trips to the mountains, the beach, the fair or the theme park all contribute to wonderful summer memories. But if you’re like me, you welcome the fall days when the evening air…
Fathers’ Day/ Children’s Sunday participation high
Copper Hill Church held an unusual service on Father’s Day. Pastor Kelvin had suggested that the day also be a children’s Sunday. The children would bring a special song and also the children and youth of our church would fill as many volunteer positions that day as possible. It was a huge success. …
Palm Sunday a Highlight
During the winter months, Pastor Kelvin held a six session confirmation class with three students. The sixth graders studied basic beliefs of the Christian church, learned about the liturgies they participate in from week to week, and discovered more about their local United Methodist Church here at Copper Hill. Pastor Kelvin asked the three to…