Panel of mentors lead the discussion Watch the service This week’s topic in our series on Steppingstones to Spiritual Health was unusual in several ways. Having recognized that Body Discipline and Spiritual Life was a challenging combination for himself alone, Pastor Kelvin asked several members of the congregation to serve on a panel of mentors…
Category: Inspirational

The Power of Together
Stronger together applies to spiritual life too. Watch the service Continuing in the series “Steppingstones to Spiritual Health,” Pastor Kelvin reminded us that spiritual growth happens better when we are functioning in community in the family of God. Basing his message on Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 18:15-50, Rev. Jones suggested three ways that the church…

Spiritual Warfare
Opposing spiritual forces are real, but Jesus is victorious. Watch the service If we remain unaware of our spiritual enemy, his objectives and his tactics, we will be easy victims and often strike out at other people in our frustration. But Pastor Kelvin reminded us that we do not need to be afraid nor intimidated…

Communion and the Community of Faith
The Sacrament of Communion points to the basics of Christian unity. Watch the service After a very cold Saturday morning in northern CT, the Sunday morning warmth of welcome and friendships in the family of God provided a much appreciated contrast. Our Call to Worship taken from First Peter encouraged us to declare God’s praises…

Growing Together
With warm smiles and hearty singing, Copper Hill worships together. Watch the service Worship service isn’t just about the liturgy and the sermon. The atmosphere of the congregation plays a huge part. Do people greet each other with a smile and conversation? Are folks attentive and participating in the service? Does the worship leader seek…

Are You Living Pre-Jesus?
Winter message series called “Christian Living Explained” Watch the service The Bible paints a stark contrast between our spiritual condition before we open our hearts to Jesus and after we allow God’s Spirit to be at work in us. In his second message from the winter sermon series based in the book of Ephesians, Pastor…

The Marvel and Mystery of Forgiveness
Christian Living Explained will be a helpful message series Watch the service Did you ever stop to think what Jesus’ first messages were about? The first two topics that appear in the Gospel of Mark are repentance and forgiveness. In chapter one we read, “The time has come,” he said. “The kingdom of God has…

Come and See, Go and Tell
Christmas Day service meaningful Watch the service The Christ Candle burned brightly in the center of the Advent wreath as the congregation worshipped and prayed together on Christmas Day. There is something especially appropriate about being in the house of God on Jesus’ birthday. Service ran on one hour delay to allow folks time to…

Nazareth to Bethlehem an Unexpected Journey
Full pews for Christmas Eve Celebration Watch the service Months of preparation came together in a unique and inspiring Christmas Eve celebration at Copper Hill Church. Music director JoAnne Jones teamed with flutist Mary Jane Sullivan for a flute/harp duet, a beautiful arrangement of “Bring a Torch Jeannette Isabella.” The key word for the service…

Hanging of the Greens
Annual service led by teens and children Watch the service One of the high points of the year at Copper Hill is the annual “Hanging of the Greens” service. Click on the following title for an explanation of what Hanging of the Greens is. At our church, it is also a service for teens and…