Pastor Kelvin gives practical tips on how to be hopeful Watch the service Our society today is desperately in need of hope. Today Rev. Jones concluded his series called “Finding Hope” by turning to a motivational passage that is full of very helpful advice. Philippians 4:4-9 is Paul’s encouragement to a church that was going…
Category: Inspirational

Hope Happens Here
Friend Sunday Outdoor Coffee Hour a delight Watch the service Hope Happens Here was the theme for the Friend Sunday service at Copper Hill Church and the title for Pastor Kelvin’s message as well. His text pointed out that God by his very nature is our source of hope. May the God of hope fill…

Hope Happens Here
A song to go with this series on Finding Hope Looks Like Jesus In every church I have pastored and also while I was in the military, I sang in Men’s Quartets. I love the camaraderie and the type of music. My friend Bob Totoritis who sang high tenor beautifully in our Bentley Creek quartet…

Heavenly Hope
Finding Hope series is popular Watch the service Attendance was good as Pastor Kelvin continued his message series on “Finding Hope.” He reminded us that in order to truly find hope, we need to have an ultimate hope. Jesus has provided heavenly hope through his resurrection from the dead and his assurances of eternal life…

Life that Brings Hope
Our September Focus is on “Finding Hope” Watch the service Today the USA is experiencing a crisis of hope. Despite our affluence, low unemployment and abundant food supply, there are many people who suffer from hopelessness. A recent CDC study said that the number of teenagers who were experiencing “persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness”…

Compassion Requires action
Phil and Chris Jones speak about Guatemala mission Watch the service Pastor Kelvin’s brother Phil and Phil’s wife Chris have been traveling to Guatemala for many years to put Jesus’ compassion into action. It is an axiom that following Jesus requires acting on our beliefs. So often we want to help with the needs of…

How to be a Great Commission Christian
Jesus’ Farewell Command is Crucial Watch the service According to both the Gospel of Matthew and the Book of Acts, Jesus’ last words before ascending to heaven were a parting commissioning of his followers to go out and recruit more disciples. Peter and the rest were to teach others in turn the things that they…

The Third Great Commandment
Pastor Kelvin and JoAnne return for a Communion Sunday. Watch the service The message theme for the remaining Sundays in July is the Great Commission. We easily remember the first two most important commandments which Jesus pointed out. “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all…

How to Preserve America
Copper Hill celebrates our country for Fourth of July Watch the service Both at Plymouth Rock and Jamestown, VA, the first European settlers dedicated their colonies and the land they found to God. Their Christian values heavily influenced the founding documents and the early values of of our country. So it is appropriate to celebrate…

The Principle of the Path
Direction, not intention, determines our destination Watch the service Pastor Kelvin spoke from the story of the hapless young man in Proverbs 7:6-8:11 who fell for the wiles of a temptress rather than listening to the voice of wisdom. Pastor mentioned that while the lesson of the teacher of Proverbs is certainly a rebuke to…